Small sighs of relief

Dane Rauschenberg
5 min readJan 30, 2021

I will never go back to pre-2015 standards of ignorance and disinterest towards politics. I will never again assume that this country is on a constant, if bumpy, upward trajectory. But I can say that it is beyond delightful to not have to think about the previous squatter of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on a minutely basis.

By no means do I think that he was an anomaly. If he was good at anything it was a good grift. And a grifter knows his audience. The only way he rose to power is because a far-too-large percentage of people in this country are abhorrent, ignorant, or willfully complacent. He…



Dane Rauschenberg

Ran 52 marathons in 52 weeks; Got banned from Twitter for insulting a white supremacist